Video Ad Management

Core Report Functionality


Basic Report Functionality

  • If the user hovers over the bars in the graph, then the data within the table will be updated for that specific time frame (day, week, month, or quarter). To freeze that time period, click on the bar. Click again to unfreeze
  • The data/metrics for each report can be broken down by a primary dimension and then user can further drill down into a secondary dimension
  • Depending on calendar time range, users can roll-up data by day, week, month, or quarter
  • Click on the "paint color chip" to hide/show that variable within the graph
  • Hover over the table to select a variable within a dimension and then drill-down into that variable
  • "Show Details" will expand the report to show a table of all the data used to create the graph. Click Export to download the data in the table via a CSV
  • The availability of the roll-up periods are based on the global calendar filter as there are limits on how many periods can be shown within the graph. The maximum periods are: Daily (31 days), Weekly (52 weeks), Monthly (48 months), and Quarterly (48 quarters)
  • As the roll-up periods or dimensions are changed, all reports will also be updated with those new settings

Reporting Dimensions

Each Monetization report supports Primary and Secondary dimensions. With the ability to drill-down two levels deep, users can better understand what is driving metrics and take advantage of opportunities or mitigate issues.

Primary Dimensions

Each report supports multiple dimensions that when selected will change the variables within the graph. The complete set of primary dimensions are below but some reports may have fewer because the dimensions aren't applicable:

  • Product
  • Site
  • Country
  • Device
  • Ad Unit
  • Revenue Type

Depending on the dimension, up to 7 variables will be shown wihtin the graph. If there are more than 7 variables in the data set, all others will be grouped into an "Other" bucket ensuring all data is captured and represented in the table & graph.

Example of revenue broken down by Country dimension

Example of revenue broken down by Country dimension

Secondary Dimensions

Secondary dimensions are also supported allowing the user to select one variable within the primary dimension and then drilling down into that variable to see other dimensions that are impacting that variable. For example, if a spike in revenue is seen within a particular country, the user can drill down into a particlular country and then select "Device" as the secondary dimension to see if Web or Mobile drove the spike. To drill down:

  • Hover over one of the variables within the table which will highlight that variable
Hovering over a variable wiihtin the table

Hovering over a variable wiihtin the table: United States in this example

  • Click the variable and then it will become the primary dimension and then the drop-down list of secondary dimensions will be available
Revenue broken down by county and ready to select Secondary Dimension

Revenue broken down by county (United States) and ready to select Secondary Dimension

  • Once the variable is selected in primary dimension (like United States above), then the Secondary Dimension drop-down is displayed allowing user to select a secondary dimension on which to break down the data of the selected primary dimension.
Revenue broken down by United States and then by Device (secondary dimension)

Revenue broken down by United States and then by Device (secondary dimension)

Publisher Video Revenue Report

Video Revenue is your portion of revenue after fees and the negotiated Insticator portion of the revenue share.

Available dimensions for Publisher revenue include:

  • Site
  • Country
  • Device
  • Ad Unit
  • Product

  • The Publisher Revenue metric will reflect the calendar filter date range based on the selected dimensions. It WILL NOT update as the user hovers over the time periods

Average Video RPM Report

Average Video RPM is the total net video ad revenue per thousand monetizable page views and is calculated by taking the total net video revenue, for the selected time period, and dividing it by the total monetizable page views, then multiplying by 1,000.

Note: A “Monetizable Page View” is defined as the first insticator element loaded on a page EXCLUDING the header

Available dimensions for Average Video RPM include:

  • Site
  • Country
  • Device

Note: Some publishers may have access to CPM data where they can toggle between RPM and CPM

Video Ad Impressions

Total count of video ad impressions. The line shows the Video Completion Rate which is Total Completions / Total Plays

Available dimensions for Total Impressions include:

  • Site
  • Country
  • Device
  • Ad Unit
  • Product

Avg Ad Viewability

The Video Viewability metrics for this report come directly from Google Ad Management (GAM) data. Google, therefore, defines what is viewable. Current definition per Google Support page is:.

The Media Rating Council (MRC) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) defined what viewable means. If 50% of a video ad’s pixels appear on-screen for at least 2 consecutive seconds, an ad is deemed viewable.

Available dimensions for Total Impressions include:

  • Site
  • Country
  • Device
  • Ad Unit
  • Product